Through the establishment of joint collaborations with reputable manufacturers of top-quality life-science research products such as PeproTech Inc., BioGems has positioned itself to become a highly competitive source for a wide-range of recombinant protein and flow-cytometry reagents. Currently, our catalog contains more than 600 recombinant proteins and over 500 flow cytometry reagents. To keep up with the rapidly advancing research fronts, BioGems continuously adds new products to its catalog. All of our products are subjected to a thorough and rigorous quality and performance testing to ensure that each and every product meets the highest established standards. Providing our customers with the highest-quality products at affordable prices is our goal. We are confident that the unique business arrangements of BioGems together with our highly skilled and experienced personnel will enable us to achieve this goal.
(1)Flow Cytometry
Conjugated Antibodies
SAFIRE Functional Antibodies
Isotype Controls
Custom and Bulk Reagents
Purified Antibodies
Buffers and Solutions
(2)Recombinant Proteins
Growth Factors & Cytokines
Animal-Free Cytokines
Other Proteins
Anti Cytokine & Chemokine Antibodies
(3)Small Molecules
Receptor Antagonist and Inhibitors
Receptor Agonists and Activators
(4)Pre-Coated Elisa Kits