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2019-04-01 文章来源: 浏览量:1772 分享到:


Cellix是爱尔兰一家创新型生物科技公司,成立于2005年,主营产品包括生物微芯片Biochip、微型液体泵Microfluidic Pumps、检测平台Platform、配件Accessory、软件Software等。


Analyse, count, sort: label-free cell sorting for next generation research. The Inish Analyser is Cellix's newest development in impedance-based cytometry for cell analysis.The Inish integrates microfluidic sample handling & impedance detection-on chip with advanced electronics - based on expertise and technology developed in Cellix over more than a decade.Cellix's patented advances bring unprecedented capabilities to impedance-based cell sorting. The Inish Analyser is capable of cell-differentiation based on: Size, Morphology, Cell cytoplasm conductivity, Organelle impedance, Cellular DNA content, Cell membrane integrit.