香港精准12码特约代理Crystal Chem公司产品。
Crystal Chem公司于1989年建立,Crystal Chem致力于为科学界提供高质量的研究工具。Crystal Chem公司的优势在于其产品质量、高性价比、服务、灵活性等方面。
Since our establishment in 1989, Crystal Chem has come to specialize in providing high quality research kits to the scientific community. With over twenty five years of experience, Crystal Chem has proven itself over and over again in the marketplace. The company has successfully launched and marketed against firmly established players and has been cited in many scientific publications and recognized journals. In addition, we have developed a valuable network of contacts in the USA and other parts of the world. With this network in place, Crystal Chem is able to focus on the customer and offer high quality products at affordable prices. Crystal Chem’s strengths lay at its product quality, service, flexibility, and customer commitment.
Diabetes & Obesity
Host Cell Proteins
Cardiovascular Disease
Oxidative Stress
Crystal Chem公司的主要产品包括:
Diabetes & Obesity | |||||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Adiponectin Human ELISA | 80571 | GLP-1 Rat ELISA | 81507 | Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen | 62100 |
Adiponectin Mouse ELISA | 80569 | GLP-2 Human ELISA | 81512 | Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen (10-Kit Bundle) | 62105 |
Adiponectin Rat ELISA | 80570 | GLP-2 Mouse ELISA | 81514 | Insulin Rabbit ELISA | 90186 |
Albumin Human ELISA | 80695 | GLP-2 Rat ELISA | 81513 | Insulin Rat Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit | 62225 |
Albumin Mouse ELISA | 80630 | Glucagon Human ELISA | 81520 | Insulin Rat Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit (10-Kit Bundle) | 62230 |
Albumin Rat ELISA | 80662 | Glucagon Mouse ELISA | 81518 | Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA | 90060 |
Bile Acids Total Dog Assay (New Version) | 80501 | Glucagon Rat ELISA | 81519 | Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA (10 Pack) | 90062 |
Bile Acids Total Hamster Assay (New Version) | 80511 | Glucose Human Assay | 81696 | Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen | 62300 |
Bile Acids Total Human Assay (New Version) | 80268 | Glucose Human Assay (10 Pack) | 81697 | Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen (10-Kit Bundle) | 62305 |
Bile Acids Total Mouse Assay (New Version) | 80471 | Glucose Mouse Assay | 81692 | Leptin Human ELISA | 80968 |
Bile Acids Total Rat Assay (New Version) | 80461 | Glucose Mouse Assay (10 Pack) | 81694 | Leptin Mouse ELISA | 90030 |
C-Peptide Human ELISA | 80954 | Glucose Rat Assay | 81693 | Leptin Rat ELISA | 90040 |
C-Peptide Mouse ELISA | 90050 | Glucose Rat Assay (10 Pack) | 81695 | NGAL Human ELISA | 80729 |
C-Peptide Rat ELISA | 90055 | Glycated Serum Protein Human Assay | 80109 | NGAL Mouse ELISA | 80655 |
Control for Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit | 80103 | Glycated Serum Protein Mouse Assay | 80420 | NGAL Rat ELISA | 80687 |
Control for Mouse Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit | 80423 | Glycated Serum Protein Rat Assay | 80430 | Proinsulin Intact Human Chemiluminescence | 90107 |
Control for Rat Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit | 80433 | Hemoglobin A1c Human Assay | 80099 | Proinsulin Intact Human ELISA | 90105 |
Creatinine Human Assay (Enzymatic) | 80189 | Hemoglobin A1c Mouse Assay | 80310 | Proinsulin Total Human Chemiluminescence | 90112 |
Creatinine Mouse Assay (Enzymatic) | 80350 | Hemoglobin A1c Rat Assay | 80300 | Proinsulin Total Human ELISA | 90110 |
Creatinine Rat Assay (Enzymatic) | 80340 | Insulin Dog ELISA | 90156 | PYY Human ELISA | 81500 |
GIP Active Human ELISA | 81509 | Insulin Hamster ELISA | 90336 | PYY Mouse ELISA | 81501 |
GIP Active Mouse ELISA | 81511 | Insulin Human ELISA | 90095 | PYY Rat ELISA | 81502 |
GIP Active Rat ELISA | 81510 | Insulin Human ELISA (10 Pack) | 90096 | RapidYield Mouse mAb Isotyping Kit - Cassette | 80601 |
GIP Human ELISA | 81515 | Insulin Human Ultra Sensitive ELISA | 90115 | Resistin Human ELISA | 80588 |
GIP Mouse ELISA, NEW | 81527 | Insulin Mouse Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit | 62025 | Retinol Binding Protein Human ELISA | 80733 |
GIP Rat ELISA | 81516 | Insulin Mouse Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit (10-Kit Bundle) | 62030 | Retinol Binding Protein Mouse ELISA | 80658 |
GLP-1 Human ELISA | 81506 | Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA | 90080 | Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA | 80659 |
GLP-1 Mouse ELISA | 81508 | Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA (10 Pack) | 90082 | Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA | 80734 |
Vaspin Human ELISA | 80593 |
Food | |||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Beta-lactoglobulin ELISA - Type II | M2112 | High Sensitive Peanut ELISA Kit - Type Ⅱ | M2120 |
Buckwheat ELISA - Type II | M2115 | Peanut ELISA Kit - Type II | M2116 |
Buckwheat Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2244 | Peanut Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2245 |
Buckwheat Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2264 | Peanut Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2265 |
Casein ELISA Kit | M2102 | Sesame ELISA Kit - Type II | M2121 |
Casein ELISA Kit - Type II | M2113 | Shellfish Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2270 |
Casein Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2242 | Soy ELISA - Type II | M2117 |
Casein Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2262 | Soy Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2246 |
Crustacean ELISA Kit - Type Ⅱ | M2118 | Total Milk ELISA Kit - Type II | M2122 |
Crustacean Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2247 | Total Milk Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2269 |
Crustacean Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2267 | Walnut ELISA Kit - Type II | M2124 |
Egg (Ovalbumin) ELISA Kit | M2101 | Walnut Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2268 |
Egg (Ovalbumin) ELISA Kit - Type II | M2111 | Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) ELISA Kit | M2103 |
Egg (Ovalbumin) Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2261 | Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) ELISA Kit - Type II | M2114 |
Egg (Ovomucoid) Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2241 | Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2243 |
Hazelnut ELISA Kit - Type Ⅱ | M2119 | Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow] | M2263 |
Toxicology | |||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Albumin Human ELISA | 80695 | Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80639 |
Albumin Mouse ELISA | 80630 | Haptoglobin Rat ELISA | 80677 |
Albumin Rat ELISA | 80662 | KIM-1 Human ELISA | 80723 |
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Human ELISA | 80696 | KIM-1 Mouse ELISA | 80652 |
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Rat ELISA | 80663 | KIM-1 Rat ELISA | 80684 |
Alpha 1-Microglobulin Human ELISA | 80699 | L-FABP Rat ELISA | 80685 |
Alpha 2-Macroglobulin Human ELISA | 80700 | Myoglobin Human ELISA | 80728 |
Alpha 2-Macroglobulin Rat ELISA | 80664 | Myoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80654 |
Beta 2-Microglobulin Human ELISA | 80953 | Myoglobin Rat ELISA | 80686 |
Beta 2-Microglobulin Rat ELISA | 80666 | NGAL Human ELISA | 80729 |
Bile Acids Total Dog Assay (New Version) | 80501 | NGAL Mouse ELISA | 80655 |
Bile Acids Total Hamster Assay (New Version) | 80511 | NGAL Rat ELISA | 80687 |
Bile Acids Total Human Assay (New Version) | 80268 | Prealbumin Human ELISA | 80732 |
Bile Acids Total Mouse Assay (New Version) | 80471 | Prealbumin Mouse ELISA | 80657 |
Bile Acids Total Rat Assay (New Version) | 80461 | Prealbumin Rat ELISA | 80689 |
Clusterin Rat ELISA | 80669 | Urinary (NAG) Human Assay | 80219 |
Creatinine Human Assay (Enzymatic) | 80189 | Urinary (NAG) Mouse Assay | 80400 |
Creatinine Mouse Assay (Enzymatic) | 80350 | Urinary (NAG) Rat Assay | 80390 |
Creatinine Rat Assay (Enzymatic) | 80340 | Vitamin D (25-OH) Total Human Assay | 80987 |
Cystatin C Mouse ELISA | 80738 | Vitamin D Binding Protein (GC Globulin) Human ELISA | 80737 |
Haptoglobin Human ELISA | 80714 | Vitamin D Binding Protein (GC Globulin) Rat ELISA | 80694 |
Cardiovascular Disease | |||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Antithrombin III Rat ELISA | 80665 | HDL Cholesterol Rat Assay | 79970 |
Apolipoprotein A-1 Human ELISA | 80702 | LDL Cholesterol Human Assay | 80069 |
C-Reactive Protein High Sensitivity Human ELISA | 80955 | LDL Cholesterol Mouse Assay | 79980 |
C-Reactive Protein Mouse ELISA | 80634 | LDL Cholesterol Rat Assay | 79960 |
C-Reactive Protein Rat ELISA | 80670 | LDL-Cholesterol Rat Assay Controls | 79963 |
D-Dimer Human Assay | 80279 | Lipase Human Assay | 80209 |
Fibrinogen Human ELISA | 80713 | Myeloperoxidase Human ELISA | 80727 |
Fibrinogen Mouse ELISA | 80637 | Plasma Renin Activity Human ELISA | 80970 |
Fibrinogen Rat ELISA | 80673 | Plasminogen Human ELISA | 80731 |
Haptoglobin Human ELISA | 80714 | Plasminogen Mouse ELISA | 80656 |
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80639 | Plasminogen Rat ELISA | 80688 |
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA | 80677 | Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA | 80659 |
HDL Cholesterol Human Assay | 80059 | Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA | 80734 |
HDL Cholesterol Mouse Assay | 79990 |
Endocrinology | |||||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
3α Diol G ELISA Kit (5α-Androstane-3α, 17β-diol Glucuronide) | 80950 | HCG Human ELISA | 80958 | Progesterone Human ELISA (Saliva) | 80973 |
Acid Labile Subunit Human ELISA | 80584 | HGH Ultra Sensitive Human ELISA | 80585 | Progesterone Human ELISA (Serum) | 80972 |
Aldosterone Human ELISA | 80951 | IGF-1 Human ELISA | 80572 | Progesterone Mouse ELISA | 80559 |
Alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin Human ELISA | 80697 | IGF-1 Mouse ELISA | 80574 | Progesterone Rat ELISA | 80558 |
Androstenedione Human ELISA | 80952 | IGF-1 Rat ELISA | 80573 | Prolactin Dog ELISA | 80562 |
Corticosterone Mouse ELISA | 80556 | IGF-2 Human ELISA | 80575 | Prolactin Human ELISA | 80975 |
Corticosterone Rat ELISA | 80554 | IGFBP-1 Human ELISA | 80576 | Prolactin Rat ELISA | 80560 |
Cortisol Human ELISA (Saliva) | 80957 | IGFBP-2 Human ELISA | 80577 | Prostate-Specific Antigen Free Human ELISA | 80977 |
Cortisol Human ELISA (Serum) | 80956 | IGFBP-2 Mouse ELISA | 80579 | Prostate-Specific Antigen Total Human ELISA | 80976 |
Dehydroepiandrosterone Human ELISA | 80959 | IGFBP-2 Rat ELISA | 80578 | Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Human ELISA | 80978 |
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Human ELISA | 80960 | IGFBP-3 Human ELISA | 80580 | Testosterone Mouse ELISA | 80552 |
Dihydrotestosterone Human ELISA | 80961 | IGFBP-3 Mouse ELISA | 80582 | Testosterone Rat ELISA | 80550 |
Estradiol Human ELISA | 80962 | IGFBP-3 Rat ELISA | 80581 | Testosterone Total Human ELISA (Saliva) | 80981 |
Estradiol Rat ELISA | 80548 | IGFBP-6 Human ELISA | 80595 | Testosterone Total Human ELISA (Serum) | 80979 |
Estrone-3-Sulfate Horse ELISA | 80567 | Luteinizing Hormone Human ELISA | 80969 | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Dog ELISA | 80566 |
Ferritin Human ELISA | 80964 | Plasma Renin Activity Human ELISA | 80970 | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Human ELISA | 80982 |
Ferritin Mouse ELISA | 80636 | Prealbumin Human ELISA | 80732 | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Rat ELISA | 80564 |
Ferritin Rat ELISA | 80672 | Prealbumin Mouse ELISA | 80657 | Thyroxine Free Human ELISA | 80984 |
Growth Hormone Human ELISA | 80966 | Prealbumin Rat ELISA | 80689 | Thyroxine Total Human ELISA | 80983 |
Growth Hormone Mouse ELISA | 80587 | Pregnenolone Human ELISA | 80971 | Triiodothyronine Free Human ELISA | 80986 |
Growth Hormone Rat ELISA | 80586 | Progesterone (17-OH) Human ELISA | 80974 | Triiodothyronine Total Human ELISA | 80985 |
Vitamin D (25-OH) Total Human Assay | 80987 |
Immunology | |||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Human ELISA | 80696 | IgG Rat ELISA | 80682 |
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Rat ELISA | 80663 | IgG1 Mouse ELISA | 80646 |
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Human ELISA | 80698 | IgG2A Mouse ELISA | 80647 |
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Mouse ELISA | 80631 | IgG2B Mouse ELISA | 80648 |
Beta 2-Glycoprotein (Apolipoprotein H) Human ELISA | 80703 | IgG2C Mouse ELISA | 80649 |
C-Reactive Protein High Sensitivity Human ELISA | 80955 | IgG3 Mouse ELISA | 80650 |
C-Reactive Protein Mouse ELISA | 80634 | IgM Human ELISA | 80721 |
C-Reactive Protein Rat ELISA | 80670 | IgM Mouse ELISA | 80651 |
Chemerin Human ELISA | 80589 | IgM Rat ELISA | 80683 |
Complement 3 Human ELISA | 80705 | Kappa Human ELISA | 80722 |
Complement 3 Mouse ELISA | 80632 | Lactoferrin Human ELISA | 80725 |
Complement 3 Rat ELISA | 80667 | Lambda Human ELISA | 80726 |
Haptoglobin Human ELISA | 80714 | Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack) | 80619 |
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80639 | Myeloperoxidase Human ELISA | 80727 |
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA | 80677 | NGAL Human ELISA | 80729 |
Human Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack) | 80617 | NGAL Mouse ELISA | 80655 |
IgA Human ELISA | 80717 | NGAL Rat ELISA | 80687 |
IgA Mouse ELISA | 80642 | Progranulin Human ELISA | 80590 |
IgA Rat ELISA | 80680 | Prostate-Specific Antigen Free Human ELISA | 80977 |
IgD Human ELISA | 80718 | Prostate-Specific Antigen Total Human ELISA | 80976 |
IgE Human ELISA | 80719 | RapidYield Mouse mAb Isotyping Kit - Cassette | 80601 |
IgE Mouse ELISA | 80643 | Rat Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack) | 80618 |
IgE Rat ELISA | 80681 | Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA | 80659 |
IgG Human ELISA | 80720 | Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA | 80734 |
IgG Mouse ELISA | 80644 | Thiostatin Rat ELISA | 80692 |
Oxidative Stress | |||
产品名称 | 编号 | 产品名称 | 编号 |
Adenosine Deaminase Human Assay | 80249 | Hemoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80640 |
Ferritin Human ELISA | 80964 | Hemoglobin Rat ELISA | 80678 |
Ferritin Mouse ELISA | 80636 | Hemopexin Human ELISA | 80716 |
Ferritin Rat ELISA | 80672 | Hemopexin Mouse ELISA | 80641 |
Fetuin Human ELISA | 80712 | Hemopexin Rat ELISA | 80679 |
Glutathione S-Transferase (Yb1) Rat ELISA | 80676 | Myoglobin Human ELISA | 80728 |
Glutathione S-Transferase Alpha Rat ELISA | 80675 | Myoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80654 |
Haptoglobin Human ELISA | 80714 | Myoglobin Rat ELISA | 80686 |
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA | 80639 | Transferrin Human ELISA | 80736 |
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA | 80677 | Transferrin Mouse ELISA | 80661 |
Hemoglobin Human ELISA | 80715 | Transferrin Rat ELISA | 80693 |