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香港精准12码特约代理Crystal Chem公司产品
2019-04-01 文章来源: 浏览量:4175 分享到:

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香港精准12码特约代理Crystal Chem公司产品。

Crystal Chem公司于1989年建立,Crystal Chem致力于为科学界提供高质量的研究工具。Crystal Chem公司的优势在于其产品质量、高性价比、服务、灵活性等方面。


Since our establishment in 1989, Crystal Chem has come to specialize in providing high quality research kits to the scientific community. With over twenty five years of experience, Crystal Chem has proven itself over and over again in the marketplace. The company has successfully launched and marketed against firmly established players and has been cited in many scientific publications and recognized journals. In addition, we have developed a valuable network of contacts in the USA and other parts of the world. With this network in place, Crystal Chem is able to focus on the customer and offer high quality products at affordable prices. Crystal Chem’s strengths lay at its product quality, service, flexibility, and customer commitment.



Diabetes & Obesity



Host Cell Proteins

Cardiovascular Disease



Oxidative Stress

Crystal Chem公司的主要产品包括:

Diabetes & Obesity
Adiponectin Human ELISA80571GLP-1 Rat ELISA81507Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen62100
Adiponectin Mouse ELISA80569GLP-2 Human ELISA81512Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen (10-Kit Bundle)62105
Adiponectin Rat ELISA80570GLP-2 Mouse ELISA81514Insulin Rabbit ELISA90186
Albumin Human ELISA80695GLP-2 Rat ELISA81513Insulin Rat Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit62225
Albumin Mouse ELISA80630Glucagon Human ELISA81520Insulin Rat Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit (10-Kit Bundle)62230
Albumin Rat ELISA80662Glucagon Mouse ELISA81518Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA90060
Bile Acids Total Dog Assay (New Version)80501Glucagon Rat ELISA81519Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA (10 Pack)90062
Bile Acids Total Hamster Assay (New Version)80511Glucose Human Assay81696Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen62300
Bile Acids Total Human Assay (New Version)80268Glucose Human Assay (10 Pack)81697Insulin Rat Ultra Sensitive ELISA, 2nd Gen (10-Kit Bundle)62305
Bile Acids Total Mouse Assay (New Version)80471Glucose Mouse Assay81692Leptin Human ELISA80968
Bile Acids Total Rat Assay (New Version)80461Glucose Mouse Assay (10 Pack)81694Leptin Mouse ELISA90030
C-Peptide Human ELISA80954Glucose Rat Assay81693Leptin Rat ELISA90040
C-Peptide Mouse ELISA90050Glucose Rat Assay (10 Pack)81695NGAL Human ELISA80729
C-Peptide Rat ELISA90055Glycated Serum Protein Human Assay80109NGAL Mouse ELISA80655
Control for Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit80103Glycated Serum Protein Mouse Assay80420NGAL Rat ELISA80687
Control for Mouse Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit80423Glycated Serum Protein Rat Assay80430Proinsulin Intact Human Chemiluminescence90107
Control for Rat Glycated Serum Protein Assay Kit80433Hemoglobin A1c Human Assay80099Proinsulin Intact Human ELISA90105
Creatinine Human Assay (Enzymatic)80189Hemoglobin A1c Mouse Assay80310Proinsulin Total Human Chemiluminescence90112
Creatinine Mouse Assay (Enzymatic)80350Hemoglobin A1c Rat Assay80300Proinsulin Total Human ELISA90110
Creatinine Rat Assay (Enzymatic)80340Insulin Dog ELISA90156PYY Human ELISA81500
GIP Active Human ELISA81509Insulin Hamster ELISA90336PYY Mouse ELISA81501
GIP Active Mouse ELISA81511Insulin Human ELISA90095PYY Rat ELISA81502
GIP Active Rat ELISA81510Insulin Human ELISA (10 Pack)90096RapidYield Mouse mAb Isotyping Kit - Cassette80601
GIP Human ELISA81515Insulin Human Ultra Sensitive ELISA90115Resistin Human ELISA80588
GIP Mouse ELISA, NEW 81527Insulin Mouse Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit62025Retinol Binding Protein Human ELISA80733
GIP Rat ELISA81516Insulin Mouse Chemiluminescence ELISA (CLIA) Kit (10-Kit Bundle)62030Retinol Binding Protein Mouse ELISA80658
GLP-1 Human ELISA81506Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA90080Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA80659
GLP-1 Mouse ELISA81508Insulin Mouse Ultra Sensitive ELISA (10 Pack)90082Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA80734
Vaspin Human ELISA80593

Beta-lactoglobulin ELISA - Type IIM2112High Sensitive Peanut ELISA Kit - Type ⅡM2120
Buckwheat ELISA - Type IIM2115Peanut ELISA Kit - Type IIM2116
Buckwheat Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2244Peanut Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2245
Buckwheat Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2264Peanut Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2265
Casein ELISA KitM2102Sesame ELISA Kit - Type IIM2121
Casein ELISA Kit - Type IIM2113Shellfish Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2270
Casein Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2242Soy ELISA - Type IIM2117
Casein Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2262Soy Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2246
Crustacean ELISA Kit - Type ⅡM2118Total Milk ELISA Kit - Type IIM2122
Crustacean Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2247Total Milk Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2269
Crustacean Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2267Walnut ELISA Kit - Type IIM2124
Egg (Ovalbumin) ELISA KitM2101Walnut Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2268
Egg (Ovalbumin) ELISA Kit - Type IIM2111Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) ELISA KitM2103
Egg (Ovalbumin) Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2261Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) ELISA Kit - Type IIM2114
Egg (Ovomucoid) Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2241Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) Rapid Test Easy Kit [Lateral Flow]M2243
Hazelnut ELISA Kit - Type ⅡM2119Wheat/Gluten (Gliadin) Rapid Test Pro II Kit [Lateral Flow]M2263

Albumin Human ELISA80695Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA80639
Albumin Mouse ELISA80630Haptoglobin Rat ELISA80677
Albumin Rat ELISA80662KIM-1 Human ELISA80723
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Human ELISA80696KIM-1 Mouse ELISA80652
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Rat ELISA80663KIM-1 Rat ELISA80684
Alpha 1-Microglobulin Human ELISA80699L-FABP Rat ELISA80685
Alpha 2-Macroglobulin Human ELISA80700Myoglobin Human ELISA80728
Alpha 2-Macroglobulin Rat ELISA80664Myoglobin Mouse ELISA80654
Beta 2-Microglobulin Human ELISA80953Myoglobin Rat ELISA80686
Beta 2-Microglobulin Rat ELISA80666NGAL Human ELISA80729
Bile Acids Total Dog Assay (New Version)80501NGAL Mouse ELISA80655
Bile Acids Total Hamster Assay (New Version)80511NGAL Rat ELISA80687
Bile Acids Total Human Assay (New Version)80268Prealbumin Human ELISA80732
Bile Acids Total Mouse Assay (New Version)80471Prealbumin Mouse ELISA80657
Bile Acids Total Rat Assay (New Version)80461Prealbumin Rat ELISA80689
Clusterin Rat ELISA80669Urinary (NAG) Human Assay80219
Creatinine Human Assay (Enzymatic)80189Urinary (NAG) Mouse Assay80400
Creatinine Mouse Assay (Enzymatic)80350Urinary (NAG) Rat Assay80390
Creatinine Rat Assay (Enzymatic)80340Vitamin D (25-OH) Total Human Assay80987
Cystatin C Mouse ELISA80738Vitamin D Binding Protein (GC Globulin) Human ELISA80737
Haptoglobin Human ELISA80714Vitamin D Binding Protein (GC Globulin) Rat ELISA80694

Cardiovascular Disease
Antithrombin III Rat ELISA80665HDL Cholesterol Rat Assay79970
Apolipoprotein A-1 Human ELISA80702LDL Cholesterol Human Assay80069
C-Reactive Protein High Sensitivity Human ELISA80955LDL Cholesterol Mouse Assay79980
C-Reactive Protein Mouse ELISA80634LDL Cholesterol Rat Assay79960
C-Reactive Protein Rat ELISA80670LDL-Cholesterol Rat Assay Controls79963
D-Dimer Human Assay80279Lipase Human Assay80209
Fibrinogen Human ELISA80713Myeloperoxidase Human ELISA80727
Fibrinogen Mouse ELISA80637Plasma Renin Activity Human ELISA80970
Fibrinogen Rat ELISA80673Plasminogen Human ELISA80731
Haptoglobin Human ELISA80714Plasminogen Mouse ELISA80656
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA80639Plasminogen Rat ELISA80688
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA80677Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA80659
HDL Cholesterol Human Assay80059Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA80734
HDL Cholesterol Mouse Assay79990


3α Diol G ELISA Kit (5α-Androstane-3α, 17β-diol Glucuronide)80950HCG Human ELISA80958Progesterone Human ELISA (Saliva)80973
Acid Labile Subunit Human ELISA80584HGH Ultra Sensitive Human ELISA80585Progesterone Human ELISA (Serum)80972
Aldosterone Human ELISA80951IGF-1 Human ELISA80572Progesterone Mouse ELISA80559
Alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin Human ELISA80697IGF-1 Mouse ELISA80574Progesterone Rat ELISA80558
Androstenedione Human ELISA80952IGF-1 Rat ELISA80573Prolactin Dog ELISA80562
Corticosterone Mouse ELISA80556IGF-2 Human ELISA80575Prolactin Human ELISA80975
Corticosterone Rat ELISA80554IGFBP-1 Human ELISA80576Prolactin Rat ELISA80560
Cortisol Human ELISA (Saliva)80957IGFBP-2 Human ELISA80577Prostate-Specific Antigen Free Human ELISA80977
Cortisol Human ELISA (Serum)80956IGFBP-2 Mouse ELISA80579Prostate-Specific Antigen Total Human ELISA80976
Dehydroepiandrosterone Human ELISA80959IGFBP-2 Rat ELISA80578Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Human ELISA80978
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Human ELISA80960IGFBP-3 Human ELISA80580Testosterone Mouse ELISA80552
Dihydrotestosterone Human ELISA80961IGFBP-3 Mouse ELISA80582Testosterone Rat ELISA80550
Estradiol Human ELISA80962IGFBP-3 Rat ELISA80581Testosterone Total Human ELISA (Saliva)80981
Estradiol Rat ELISA80548IGFBP-6 Human ELISA80595Testosterone Total Human ELISA (Serum)80979
Estrone-3-Sulfate Horse ELISA80567Luteinizing Hormone Human ELISA80969Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Dog ELISA80566
Ferritin Human ELISA80964Plasma Renin Activity Human ELISA80970Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Human ELISA80982
Ferritin Mouse ELISA80636Prealbumin Human ELISA80732Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Rat ELISA80564
Ferritin Rat ELISA80672Prealbumin Mouse ELISA80657Thyroxine Free Human ELISA80984
Growth Hormone Human ELISA80966Prealbumin Rat ELISA80689Thyroxine Total Human ELISA80983
Growth Hormone Mouse ELISA80587Pregnenolone Human ELISA80971Triiodothyronine Free Human ELISA80986
Growth Hormone Rat ELISA80586Progesterone (17-OH) Human ELISA80974Triiodothyronine Total Human ELISA80985
Vitamin D (25-OH) Total Human Assay80987


Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Human ELISA80696IgG Rat ELISA80682
Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein Rat ELISA80663IgG1 Mouse ELISA80646
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Human ELISA80698IgG2A Mouse ELISA80647
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Mouse ELISA80631IgG2B Mouse ELISA80648
Beta 2-Glycoprotein (Apolipoprotein H) Human ELISA80703IgG2C Mouse ELISA80649
C-Reactive Protein High Sensitivity Human ELISA80955IgG3 Mouse ELISA80650
C-Reactive Protein Mouse ELISA80634IgM Human ELISA80721
C-Reactive Protein Rat ELISA80670IgM Mouse ELISA80651
Chemerin Human ELISA80589IgM Rat ELISA80683
Complement 3 Human ELISA80705Kappa Human ELISA80722
Complement 3 Mouse ELISA80632Lactoferrin Human ELISA80725
Complement 3 Rat ELISA80667Lambda Human ELISA80726
Haptoglobin Human ELISA80714Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack)80619
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA80639Myeloperoxidase Human ELISA80727
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA80677NGAL Human ELISA80729
Human Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack)80617NGAL Mouse ELISA80655
IgA Human ELISA80717NGAL Rat ELISA80687
IgA Mouse ELISA80642Progranulin Human ELISA80590
IgA Rat ELISA80680Prostate-Specific Antigen Free Human ELISA80977
IgD Human ELISA80718Prostate-Specific Antigen Total Human ELISA80976
IgE Human ELISA80719RapidYield Mouse mAb Isotyping Kit - Cassette80601
IgE Mouse ELISA80643Rat Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 Kit Pack)80618
IgE Rat ELISA80681Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Mouse ELISA80659
IgG Human ELISA80720Serum Amyloid A Human ELISA80734
IgG Mouse ELISA80644Thiostatin Rat ELISA80692

Oxidative Stress

Adenosine Deaminase Human Assay80249Hemoglobin Mouse ELISA80640
Ferritin Human ELISA80964Hemoglobin Rat ELISA80678
Ferritin Mouse ELISA80636Hemopexin Human ELISA80716
Ferritin Rat ELISA80672Hemopexin Mouse ELISA80641
Fetuin Human ELISA80712Hemopexin Rat ELISA80679
Glutathione S-Transferase (Yb1) Rat ELISA80676Myoglobin Human ELISA80728
Glutathione S-Transferase Alpha Rat ELISA80675Myoglobin Mouse ELISA80654
Haptoglobin Human ELISA80714Myoglobin Rat ELISA80686
Haptoglobin Mouse ELISA80639Transferrin Human ELISA80736
Haptoglobin Rat ELISA80677Transferrin Mouse ELISA80661
Hemoglobin Human ELISA80715Transferrin Rat ELISA80693