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Electron Microscopy Sciences
2019-04-01 文章来源: 浏览量:3612 分享到:

Electron Microscopy Sciences.jpg

香港精准12码特约代理Electron Microscopy Sciences公司产品。Electron Microscopy Sciences专注于制造、销售最高品质的实验室化学品、电子显微镜及其配件、光学显微镜及组织学相关产品。


Electron Microscopy Sciences specializes in the manufacturing, preparation and distribution of the highest quality laboratory chemicals and microscopy supplies and equipment for electron microscopy, light microscopy, and histology.



Chemicals for Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy and Histology

ImmunoGold Reagents

Embedding Media Kits for the Biological & Materials Science

Graphene: Emerging Technology

Grids, TEM Support Films, Grid Staining & Storage

TEM Windows

Films for TEM

Silicone Nitride Mesh and Films

Calibration Standards, Specimens, and Aids

Microscope Accessories

Nanomanipulation and FIB Lift Outs

MAC Standards

AFM and STM Microscopy

Transmission Electron Microscopy

mPrep Specimen Preparation & Staining System

Specimen Preparation and Embedding Supplies

Material Sciences and Metrology

Silicon Wafer Cleaving System, Tools and General Accessories

Histology and Light Microscopy

Antigen Retriever

Scanning Electron Microscope Supplies

Cryo Supplies and Accessories

DiATOME Diamond Knives

Photography: Film and Supplies

Tweezers, Dissecting Tools, Instruments, and Gadgets

Illuminators, Magnifiers, Microscopes and Graticules

Air and Environmental

Cleaning Solutions and Accessories

Vacuum Pumps & Evaporation Supplies

Cell Stretcher

Vibration Isolation

Decontaminators and Cleaning Systems

Equipment and Accessories

Safety and Lab Organization

Labels, Tapes, Dispensers

Starter EM Kits

Technical Tips, Data Sheets, MSDS

Scientific Equipment Repair Center




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