Lunginnov公司位于法国里尔市,主要产品线包括生命科学试剂和体外诊断医疗器械。Lunginnov公司最大的特色是为研究者提供Endocan和CG-Cleaved Endocan检测产品(包括抗体、ELISA试剂盒、重组蛋白等),这两个分子已经被证明是肺部感染/损伤的标志分子。
Lunginnov develops innovative solutions for respiratory diseases that enable earlier therapeutic decision to be helpful for patients. Lunginnov markets 2 product lines:
A range of unique reagents for research in Life Sciences
A range of original medical devices for In Vitro Diagnostic
Lunginnov is declared manufacturer to the french regulatory agency ANSM. The company devotes a significant part of its budget to its internal R&D and to set up collaborative projects with Research Centers in France and abroad. Lunginnov is specialized on endocan and CG-cleaved endocan as markers of lung infection/injury, by proposing specific tools of high quality researchers and clinicians.