Nanoprobes公专业生产免疫金标记和免疫测定试验产品。其独特的金标技术使用化学交联的金属和纳米颗粒团簇作为标记。与胶体金颗粒静电吸附在抗体和蛋白质上的传统免疫金探针不同,本公司的金标是与生物分子在特定位点交联的不带电荷的分子。这使我们的探针具有胶体金不具备的范围和灵活性。我们的标记可以附着在任何带有反应基的分子上– 蛋白质、多肽、寡核苷酸、小分子和脂类 - 以检测和定位这些分子。其他标记可以与我们的金标共同使用,我们独特的荧光纳米金探针在一个探针中结合了纳米金(nanogold®)和荧光素,用于荧光和电镜两种技术共同进行样品成像。
Nanoprobes was founded in 1990 by Dr. James F. Hainfeld, along with a group of scientists who were also alumni of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The independent research facility they formed has allowed Dr. Hainfeld and his colleagues the freedom to pursue some of the greatest challenges in research: seeking cures for cancer and other diseases.
While part of the funding for these endeavors has come from research grants, another source had to be found, as the scientific community faces ever-increasing government cutbacks. To this end, Nanoprobes began to offer many of the nanoparticle technologies developed by its members for use in other scientists' research.
AuroVist™ 15 nm & 1.9 nm X-ray Contrast Agent
Enhancement / Developers
EnzMet™ ultra-sensitive
Gold Nanomaterials: Functionalized Nanoparticles
Gold Nanoparticle Reagents
Histadine (His) Tag Labeling
Recombinant Protein Detection
FerroMag™ Magnetic nanoparticles
Negative Stains for EM
Xray Contrast Agents