OZ Biosciences是一家法国的新兴生物技术公司,其成立宗旨是帮助药物公司研发和生产新型的药物导入系统。研究方向主要集中在生物活性材料导入活体组织新技术的研发,2005年该技术研发获得了突破性进展,已经申请了多项国际专利。
OZ Biosciences公司的创办者是分子导入系统的国际权威,在此领域享有极高的声望。研发目标是建立新一代的核酸、蛋白、多肽和其它生物分子的转染导入系统,为广大科研工作者服务。该公司与许多国际知名企业、大学和科研机构有合作往来。OZ Biosciences公司产品极具特色,主打产品是基于纳米技术和生物技术的基础上发展起来的磁转染试剂,相对常规商业化转染试剂,其转染效率更高。
Since 2003, OZ Biosciences creates, develops and produces innovative molecular delivery systems specialized in transfection and transduction tools, for the worldwide scientific community and pharmaceutical industry. OZ Biosciences is focused on delivery technologies of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and protein for in vitro and in vivo applications.
These past years, the life sciences have gone through a technological revolution. The progress achieved in genomic, functional genomic and proteomic areas has created fabulous opportunities for better understanding of basic biological processes and for the development of the next generation of medicines.
OZ Biosciences公司主要产品线:
(1)Magnetofection™: a unique gene delivery method for in vitro and in vivo applications.
(2)Lipofection: proprietary biodegradable lipid-based transfection reagents.
(3)Transduction tools: for producing, concentrating, storing and enhancing virus efficiency.
(4)3D transfection: allowing nucleic acid delivery directly into 3D matrix.
(5)Protein delivery systems: including antibody & based on biodegradable lipid nanoparticles.
(6)Cell specific reagents: For specific cells such as neurons and stem cells.
(7)Vaccine Adjuvants: Standard & novel adjuvants for antigenic & genetic immunization