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Aquatic Diagnostics依托于Stirling大学,为世界范围内的客户提供渔业健康管理产品。Aquatic Diagnostics公司主要研发和生产单抗试剂、抗体偶联试剂、快速检测试剂盒,主要应用方向为病原体检测(检测经济鱼类的致病原,如AquaMab-P和Rapid Kits)和鱼类免疫力筛查(AquaMab-F和AquaMab-C)。
Aquatic Diagnostics is an international biotechnology company operating within the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling. Aquatic Diagnostics develops and markets reagents (monoclonal antibodies and antibody conjugates) and Rapid Kits that can be used to improve fish health management. These products identify pathogens causing disease and enable screening of fish immunity.
Our Fish Health Management Products Detect:
1) Economically important fish pathogens (AquaMab-P and Rapid Kits)
2) Fish antibodies to monitor immune response in a variety of fish species (AquaMab-F and AquaMab-C)
To ensure ease of use, all fish health management products are supplied with standard protocols. Animations of the procedures are available on the website for each product, to enable customers to choose the most suitable method for successful results.