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Aviscera Bioscience
2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:1695 分享到:

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香港精准12码特约代理Aviscera Bioscience全系列产品。

Aviscera Bioscience是一家领先的销售有特色的用于代谢综合症和心血管疾病研究的肌肉因子和细胞因子的供应商。主要产品类别:用于心血管疾病、骨质疏松、肾脏损伤/肾功能衰竭、感染和败血症、代谢综合症、癌症/肿瘤、阿尔茨海默氏症、慢性阻塞性肺病和肺纤维化、哮喘的生物标志物ELISA试剂盒。产品包括很多哺乳动物肌肉因子和细胞因子的ELISA试剂盒及其相应的无标记及标记的抗体和重组蛋白。


Leading Supplier of Specialty Adipokines, Myokines and Cytokines for Metabolic Syndrome & Cardiovascular Diseases Research.


Aviscera Bioscience的主要产品包括:

New Human CTRP15/Myonectin ELISA Kits

New Soluble NRG4 ELISA Kits

New Renin (Total) (Human) ELISA Kits and Proteins

New Stanniocalcin-1 (Human) ELISA Kits

New human CTRP6 ELISA Kit

New Anti Human Soluble ST2 Monoclonal Antibodies for ST2 Immunoassay Development

Anti VGF antibodies validated on WB

IL-17 Receptor A & D ELISA Kits

Stathmin 1/Metabolastin ELISA, Antibody Recombinant

IL-37 ELISA, Antibody Recombinant Proteins

Updated FGF-23 (Human) ELISA Kit

New VEGFR3/FLT-4 (Human) ELISA Kits

Updated Irisin (Human) ELISA Kit

Human Azurocidin/CAP37 ELISA Kit

New Neurotrimin (NTM) rec

cAMP Assay Kit


New IL-18R1, IL-18RAP ELISA Kits

Elafin/PI3/WFDC14 ELISA Kit

Soluble CD112 ELISA for serum or plasma samples

New APOA-IV (Human) ELISA Kit

New Soluble CD305 ELISA Kits

New Soluble Neprilysin (Human) ELISA Kits


New Anti Human Galectin-3 Monoclonal Antibodies for Galectin-3  Immunoassay

New updated mouse serum albumin ELISA Kit

New Soluble CD14 Ultrasensitive ELISA Kits

New Adipsin (Human) ELISA Kit

Updated Irisin (Human) ELISA Kit

Updated Neprilysin /CD10 (Human) ELISA Kit

Updated MPF (Human) ELISA Kit

Soluble Arginase 1 (Human) ELISA Kit

Heart Cadherin / T-Cadherin ELISA Kit

Soluble Neuregulin-4 elisa kit 

New Mouse CTRP4 Rec

New irisin elisa kit with HEK293 derived standard and new monoclonal antibodies

Asprosin Monoclonal Antibody

New Active IL-29 (Human) ELISA Kit

Soluble ACVRL1 ELISA Kit