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产品名称 HyClone Characterized FBS, NZ Origin, 500 mL (China)
货号: SH30406.05 规格: 500ml
品牌: 热销产品 价格:
产品分类: 热销产品 研究领域:
CAS编号: 分子量:
分子式: 别名:
储存条件: 运输条件:
货期: 应用:
说明书: 备注:

HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), New Zealand Origin 货号SH30406.05.jpg

HyClone Characterized FBS, NZ Origin, 500 mL (China)


Enhance growth of cells with New Zealand sourced HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum.

Enhance growth of cells with New Zealand sourced HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum.

Sourced in New Zealand with complete traceability back to the original source.

Low in antibodies and high in growth factors

Produced using true pool technology for uniformity and consistency from bottle to bottle

Filtered through three sequential 100 nm (0.1 µm) pore size-rated filters

Virus panel testing according to 9 CFR 113.53

Purchase orders with specific lot requests, quoted reserves and/or call off orders should be submitted through 

Customer Service.


Parameter:HyClone Characterized FBS, NZ Origin, 500 mL (China)

Storage:Sera should be stored at -10°C or lower. Once thawed, sera should be stored at 2° to 8°C. 

Origin:New Zealand 

Endotoxin Concentration:≤ 20 EU/mL 

Hemoglobin Concentration:≤ 25 mg/dL 

Mycoplasma:Not detected 

Pack size:500 mL

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