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产品名称 Cytiva热门填料
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品名:Glutathione Sepharose 4B GST-tagged protein purification resin


10 mL

100 mL

300 mL



Glutathione Sepharose 4B is an affinity chromatography resin for batch purification of GST-tagged proteins and when high

 binding capacity is required.


Glutathione Sepharose 4B is an affinity chromatography resin for batch purification of GST-tagged proteins and when high 

binding capacity is required.

High capacity, single-step glutathione S-transferase (GST) tagged protein purification.

Supplied as pre-swollen bulk (loose) resin.

Chemically stable with all commonly used aqueous buffers.

Suitable for batch GST tagged protein purification and scale-up.

Used in GST pull-down assays to study protein-protein interactions.


品名:Sepharose 4 Fast Flow


1 L

10 L

Sepharose 4 Fast Flow is a size exclusion chromatography resin developed for industrial processing at high flow rates and 

moderate pressures.

Industrial-scale separation of large molecules and virus particles.

High flow velocities at moderate pressures deliver good resolution with speed

Low non-specific interactions and excellent recoveries

Sepharose 4 Fast Flow size exclusion chromatography resin is based on cross-linked 4% agarose matrix, which gives good

 physical stability and chromatographic qualities. The matrix was developed specifically to meet the high throughput demands

 of industrial process separations. The rigidity permits high flow rates, which in turn gives good resolution in a minimum of time. 

Sepharose Fast Flow matrices enable the rapid processing of large volumes making these resins an excellent choice for use at 


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