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产品名称 Streck采血管现货热销
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品牌: 精品仪器 价格:
产品分类: 热销产品 研究领域:
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Cell-Free DNA BCT® RUO

Cell-Free DNA BCT CE


Cell-Free DNA BCT is a blood collection tube that stabilizes cell-free DNA for up to 14 days at 6 °C to 37 °C* and CTCs for up to

 7 days at 15 °C to 30 °C*. It is available as a CE marked in vitro diagnostic device or as a Research Use Only tube, depending on

 region of use.

Product Description

Cell-Free DNA BCT maintains cell-free DNA for up to 14 days at 6 °C to 37 °C* and CTCs for up to 7 days at 15 °C to 30 °C*. It 

contains a preservative reagent that limits the release of genomic DNA, allowing for isolation of high-quality cell-free DNA, and 

minimizes the degradation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs)*. Cell-Free DNA BCT eliminates the need for immediate plasma 

isolation and CTC processing, easing concerns about pre-analytical variation that arises during shipping and handling.

The cell-free DNA and CTCs isolated from stored plasma are suitable for many downstream applications used in research studies,

 drug discovery and assay development.


14-day cell-free DNA/genomic DNA sample stability at 6 °C to 37 °C*

7-day CTC sample stability at 15 °C to 30 °C*

Available in 10 mL draw for research and ex-US registered applications


Eliminates the need for immediate plasma preparation and CTC processing

High-quality cell-free DNA can be used for a wide range of downstream research applications

Allows for room temperature storage and shipping of critical samples


Cyto-Chex® BCT


Cyto-Chex BCT is a direct draw blood collection tube that maintains cellular morphology and surface antigen expression,

 including cluster of differentiation (CD) markers, prior to analysis by flow cytometry. Whole blood samples collected in 

Cyto-Chex BCT can be stored at room temperature for up to 14 days.

Cyto-Chex BCT has been FDA 510(k) cleared for consistent recovery of HIV-associated lymphocyte subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8,

 CD19, CD16/CD56 and CD45) for up to 14 days.


Stabilizes whole blood samples for up to 14 days prior to analysis by flow cytometry

FDA 510(k) cleared for consistent recovery of HIV-associated lymphocyte subsets for up to 14 days of room temperature 


Available in 5 mL and 2 mL vials


Limits the adverse effects of time, storage and transport conditions on sample integrity

Reduces the need for immediate sample processing and analysis

Allows for the batching of samples, optimizing laboratory workflow

Minimizes patient recalls, redraws and associated costs


Catalog #Product
213323   CD-Chex Plus 1x3.0ml Normal
213324   CD-Chex Plus CD4 Low 1x3.0ml
213337   CD-Chex CD342x1.0ml LV1
213338   CD-Chex CD342x1.0ml LV1,2
213339   CD-Chex CD344x1.0ml LV1,2
213347   CD-Chex CD342x1.0ml LV2
213350   Streck Cell Preservative 6x1.0ml
213361   Cyto-Chex BCT,5.0ml,6 tube pack
213362   Cyto-Chex BCT 5.0ml,25 tube box
213365   CD-Chex Plus 2x3.0ml Normal
213366   CD-Chex Plus CD4 Low 2x3.0ml
213367   CD-Chex Plus5x3.0ml Normal
213368   CD-Chex Plus CD4 Low 5x3.0ml
213369   CD-Chex Plus4x3.0ml Low,Normal
213370   CD-Chex Plus 10x3.0ml Low,Normal
213383   CD-Chex CD342x1.0ml LV3
213386   Cyto-Chex BCT 5.0ml,100 tube box
213391   CD-Chex Plus2x3.0ml Low,Normal
213554   CD-Chex Select 2x3.0ml Sample1,Sample2
213557   CD-Chex CD117 Plus 1x1.0ml
213558   CD-Chex CD117 Plus 2x 1.0ml
213565   CD-Chex TdT Plus 1x1.0ml (RUO)
213566   CD-Chex TdT Plus 2x1.0ml (RUO)
213567   CD-Chex CD103 Plus 1x1.0ml (RUO)
213566   CD-Chex TdT Plus 2x1.0ml (RUO)
213567   CD-Chex CD103 Plus 1x1.0ml (RUO)
213568   CD-Chex CD103 Plus 2x1.0ml (RUO)
218913   Para 12 Plus 12x3.0ml LNH
218914   Para 12 Plus 4x3.0ml Normal
218924   Para 12 Plus 4x3.0ml Low
218934   Para 12 Plus 4x3.0ml High
218980   Cyto-Chex BCT 2.0ml,100 tube box
225485   STaK-Chex Plus Retics 12x4.5ml LNH
230461   RNA Complete BCT,100 tube box(RUO)
230470   Cell-Free DNA BCT,100 tube box
230599   Streck Urine Preserve 12x5ml
230604   Streck Urine Preserve 120x5ml
285535   Retic-Chex Linearity BC 5x3.0ml
291712   CVA 18x3.0ml RBC 5,WBC 7,PLT6

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