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产品名称 AM0281 (Neat) – N-Phenylaminopropyl POSS
货号: AM0281 (Neat) 规格: 详询客服
品牌: Hybrid Plastics 价格:
产品分类: 材料学试剂 研究领域: 材料学;倍半硅氧烷
CAS编号: 1708993-28-5 分子量: 1490.28
分子式: 别名: N-Phenylaminopropyl POSS
储存条件: 常温 运输条件: 常温
货期: 应用: 材料;生物工程材料;表面材料
说明书: 详询客服 备注:

AM0281-T8-1 (1).jpg

AM0281 (Neat) – N-Phenylaminopropyl POSS




AM0281 POSS is a hybrid molecule with a silsesquioxane core, ranging from cage size 8-12,  

and has external N-phenylaminopropyl groups.  It is highly adhesive!. 

 In neat form it exists as a low melting solid at room temperature. 

 It is especially well suited for applications that require adhesion and toughening at high temperatures.

*Bulk quantities of AM0281 are provided as concentrates in solvents, 

monomer of customer choice due to the extensive adhesion characteristics.


Formula Weight: 1490.28 g/mol

Density: 1.20 g/ml

Tdec (5%): 408 °C

Tm: 6-8°C

Viscosity: Newtonian 72,000 Pa s @ 25°C, 4,190 Pa s @ 37 °C, 370 Pa s @ 50°C

Compatibility:  Polar solvents and polar resins/oligomers.

CAS 1708993-28-5

Authorizations: INCI

Relevant literature and uses:

Glassification aid for space-based coatings: https://doi.org/10.3390/ nano12020257

Improved thermal stability for epoxy resins: http://10.1002/spepro.004453

Improved homogeneity and relaxation of epoxy networks: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2012.10.018

Thermoplastic polyurethane modification and temp stability: http://10.1590/S1516-14392012005000085

Thermoset polyurethane enhancement and silica dispersion: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2014/RA/C4RA01419G

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