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产品名称 RNA-99-3810 - RNASep™ Prep – RNA Purification Column
货号: RNA-99-3810 规格:
品牌: ADS Biotec 价格:
产品分类: 色谱柱 研究领域:
CAS编号: 分子量:
分子式: 别名:
储存条件: 运输条件:
货期: 应用:
说明书: 备注:


RNASep™ Prep – RNA Purification Column

7.8 mm x 50 mm – for variety of RNA applications, load capacity of 50 µg total RNA. 

Custom mRNA Purification Solutions also available.

SKU: RNA-99-3810


RNASep™ Prep is an RNA purification column that uses alkylated non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) 

copolymer microspheres for high performance nucleic acid separations. These versatile columns can be used with 

a variety of HPLC systems for RNA analysis and purification. They are also ideal for the development of effective 

mRNA vaccines and other novel drug candidates. See our Custom mRNA Purification Solutions for details.

7.8 x 50 mm, non-porous PS\DVB resin matrix, column capacity 50 µg total RNA or 1000 ng of specific RNA.


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